John Murch

John Murch

Developer. Marketer. Entrepreneur.
I'm currently a software engineer specialised in backend development mostly Node.js and Golang. I write about SEO, web scraping and development on my blog or learn more about me. Want to know a bit more about me? Check out my online resume. Need help scraping a webpage or site? Let's Chat!
John Murch Profile

What I do

I have more than 10 years' experience building software for clients all over the world. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Want to find out more about my experience?

Vanilla JavaScript

I 😍 JavaScript. Having been using it for over 2 decades building websites from geocities to proof of concept web apps and everywhere in between.


Focusing on keeping things simple and the 3 main buckets of a webpage (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). Making the jump from jQuery to Vue was fairly easy and enjoyable. I like to write code that is easy to read, delete and refactor


I jumped on the Node boat in 2012 having coming from PHP/CodeIgniter, I really enjoyed the flexibility of Express.js and how fast you can build a MVP or API in no time


The web was built on hypertext and always enjoy dropping down into the raw HTML or CSS of a website/application rather than something like PUG or Handlebars


When Puppetter was announced I jumped head first, moving away from Nightmare.js. Building bots is something I have a passion for and just love scraping the web

Search Engine Optimization

Having got into blogging in 2005, I was always interested in SEO and continue to be focusing on Technical SEO as search has become so much in today's world

Raspberry Pi

What is not to love about a cheap single board computer. I have a Raspbery PI cluster on my desk and love them. Having worked with them and deployed them in a production setting, they are super powerful and great IoT devices


Although I love JavaScript, if speed and performance are your thing, GoLang is pretty amazing and becoming very popular


Latest Blog Posts

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White Hat is just building a site Black Hat is ranking for Keywords

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