John Murch

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Nintendo it's time for you to Shine

Nintendo it's time for you to Shine

I grew up with Nintendo. I had the powerglove, the power pad and even still have a virtual...
Not can you build it but should you build it and will you finish It

Not can you build it but should you build it and will you finish It

So you have an idea – a bread slicer that cuts bread diagonally, great! You can build it, ...
How Google is going to Own Education in 10 Year

How Google is going to Own Education in 10 Year

In case you have missed the boat, Google released Chromebook. So what does this mean for e...
McDonalds Please Prove Me Wrong

McDonalds Please Prove Me Wrong

Thinking back to all those road trips I took and getting stuck between a McD’s and a BK Lo...